inspections at US airports

Diane Whitehead
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:31:28 PST
Getting plants inspected in the U.S. is more difficult now than it  
used to be, in Oregon at any rate.  There used to be state inspectors  
throughout the state, but in the 90s the regional offices were closed  
and anyone needing an inspection needed to drive to Salem. Since that  
involved a couple of hours driving, I began to get plants inspected  
at the Portland airport.  All they asked was that I come in the  
afternoon when they had an extra person in the office.

The last time I had plants inspected at the Portland Oregon airport,  
I met an entirely new set of people who were surprised at my request  
for inspection. There were six inspectors, all working on seeds, and  
they did not do plants.  They agreed to do it, but told us to go away  
and eat lunch and they would phone our cellphone when they were  
finished.  It is lucky we were not planning to catch a plane.

I was told to get plants inspected at the State Agriculture  
Department next time - in other words, drive down to Salem.

I haven't bought plants in Oregon since.

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, B.C., Canada

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