exporting bulbs

Diana Chapman rarebulbs@suddenlink.net
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:43:28 PST
I export bulbs all the time.  My nursery has been inspected, and certified
free of any significant problems.  I submit the list of bulbs for each
shipment to my agricultural agent, who checks to make sure there aren't any
that are 'forbidden', i.e. on the endangered species list.  I then take the
bulbs to my agricultural agent, who inspects the dormant bulbs and gives me
my phytosanitary certificate.  They are looking for disease, and pests like
nematodes, but also to make sure the bulbs are absolutely clean and free of
soil (I scrub the bulbs for export with a toothbrush!).  Countries also have
their own requirements, some of which I can't meet.  This can be fumigating
the bulbs, applying chemicals that I don't use, or certifying that my bulbs
aren't grown in certain kinds of media like fir bark.  The fir bark ban was
Canada a year or two ago, since it was felt that fir bark could harbor the
organism that is involved in Sudden Oak Death. Last year Canada lifted that

I imagine if you wanted to hand carry some bulbs with you to another
country, you would still need a phyto.  It isn't that hard to do, and your
agent will check to see if the country you are going to has any special
requirements or restrictions.  The cost of the phyto varies by county and

Diana Chapman
Telos Rare Bulbs

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