frozen Nerines

Jim McKenney
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:22:26 PST
So sorry to hear about your friend's Nerine collection, Diane.


This issue of Nerine cold hardiness is of growing interest to me because
against seemingly daunting odds (such as occasional air temperatures below
10º F for hours and periods where the daytime temperature did not rise above
the freezing point for days on end) I have been able to keep two Nerine
sarniensis cultivars outside all winter in a cold frame through two winters.
At the risk of being redundant, let me emphasize that it is an unheated cold


As John Grimshaw’s experience with snowdrops suggests (and as similar
experience here with lilies suggests) pot culture may be part of the
problem. My Nerine grow in the earth which forms the bed of the cold frame,
they are not in pots. But there must be more to it than that: my plants show
absolutely no sign of cold damage to the foliage. 


Is anyone else growing Nerine sarniensis outside in cold winter areas? 



Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7

My Virtual Maryland Garden


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