Dear All, A lovely lady gave me a bag of bulbs last summer. She claimed they were Lycoris. I was excited because the only Lycoris I had in the garden was Lycoris radiata. So being the ultimate procrastinator I didn't get them in the ground, so potted them up. Just before Christmas, after the pots were full of lush foliage, most pots bloomed. They have just finished after enduring our killer freeze,(5 nights of 22degree F.) without a bit of damage. Meanwhile some old garden Nerines bowdenii were blooming under similar temperatures in the ground. Well last night I was visiting my lady friend and the subject of her 'Lycoris' came up. Being the smarty pants I think I am I said to her I thought maybe the bulbs she gave me were really Nerine. The flowers looked so much like my garden Nerines. She smiled and waved her finger in my face, in a friendly way of course, and swore those bulbs were Lycoris. So googley google on the www finding photos to compare. I am so confused L. haywardii looks so much like N. bowdenii. I got tired and decided to see what this PBS thread has to say. Anyone want to set me straight to which bulbs my friend gave me. Is Lycoris that tough? Are the bulbs in my garden really Nerines??? Terry Hernstrom