California Horticultural Society meeting tonight in San Francisco. 4:00 PM Botanical gardens walk with speaker at Strybing Arboretum. Parking is available behind the San Francisco Co, Fair Building on 9th Ave. 5:30PM NO HOST Dinner will be at Park Chow Restaurant, 1249 Ninth Ave; San Francisco. 7:15 PM Announcements, Plant Forum. Meeting will be held at the San Francisco Botanical Garden in the San Francisco County Fair Building at 9th Avenue and Lincoln Way; San Francisco. ***Members free. Non-members – A donation of $5 requested . Monday, February 19, 2007 Co-sponsored with the San Francisco Botanical Garden Society at Strybing Arboretum “Mostly Mariposas” Presented by Ron Parsons, noted flower photographer, lecturer, horticulturist and author. Ron has been photographing wildflowers for 20 years. He will be discussing some of the amazing wildflowers he saw in 2006 with his usual focus on Calochortus, the genus that includes some of California’s most beautiful natives. He traveled through northern California and southern Oregon on many trips with his co-author, Mary E. Gerritsen, to see as many species of Mariposa Lilies, Globe Lanterns, Cat’s Ears and Star Tulips as possible. They also traveled to Jalisco, Mexico in August of last year to see some of the species of Calochortus there. Ron also traveled to Minnesota, Manitoba, Florida, Georgia and New York in 2006, to see and photograph wildflowers, and will show some highlights of those trips. Mary and Ron are the authors of the current Timber Press title, “Masdevallias – Gems of the Orchid world” and have a second book in press, “Calochortus – Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives” which will be released in June of 2007. Bob Rutemoeller