Was - More precocious blooms

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Thu, 22 Feb 2007 16:10:10 PST
Dear All;
	On Jan 6  about 7 weeks ago I reported on precocious blooms 
after an extended warm period and the foreboding that "I do not doubt 
these early riser will 'pay'.". Now after more than 40 days of 
daytime high temperatures below freezing and many extended dips to 
zero (all F) we have finally begun to melt. Some parts of the garden 
are still encased in ice, but more than 90% of the garden is snow and 
ice free.

	The Galanthus just showing buds are now urgently blooming 
although stems are barely above ground and the tips of the petals are 
nearly touching the ground. Still honey bees find them as they open. 
Some tip burn on foliage. I have not seen this freeze influence 
before and hope the extremely short stems will extend as the weather 
continues to stay mild.

	The first 'Rynveld's Early Sensation' daffodils are frozen 
dead to the ground, but later buds are appearing above the frozen 
dead foliage and new foliage is coming around.

	Crocus sieberi 'Bowles White' had all its early flowers and 
foliage a mushy mess, but new buds are opening now. And Crocus 
sieberi 'Firefly' which had no early buds is going strong suddenly 
in the last 48 hours.  And Crocus ancyrensis has appeared in full 
bloom where there was no sign earlier.

	The Eranthis that were blooming in January have turned to 
brown mush (foliage too), but just slightly later ones have come up 
and are blooming around.  Iris aucheri, not yet in bloom or expected 
, has most foliage burned badly, but this is not unusual.

	All the earliest Hellebore stalks are frozen to mush and all 
foliage is deadly brown. Already more stalks are 'trying' to push up 
and healthy looking buds are apparent. I suspect we'll have around 
1/2 the normal bloom.

	The With hazel 'Jelena' that popped open a few flowers, 
slowly retracted them in the past 7 weeks and then exploded open into 
full bloom in days. Other Witch hazels and early Cornus (mas) are now 
showing color.

	An Adonis amurensis bud is now showing through the leaf mulch.

	This has been an exceptionally long period at such low temps 
both day and night. Some plants seem to have been cooling their heels 
waiting for the warm  up and others have new growth in reserve. I am 
certain we'll see more winter damage, but the sudden bursting of 
color is very well received and NEEDED.  AS I predicted these 
precocious early Jan flowers have paid dearly as February comes near 
an end. Let's hope this warm up is the first sign of spring.

	Ever optimistic.		Best		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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