Lycoris and Rain - A theory - 2 and OT Passiflora misc.

James Waddick
Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:38:43 PDT
Dear all,
	On September 9 I wrote:

Last night we had almost 1 1/4 inch of rain. Maybe too much of it ran 
off, but some soaked in. Will this bring a new flush of Lycoris bloom 
as I think or was the spring freeze too damaging to make a 
difference, now.?

	Well so much for theories and cooperation by the 'weather gods'.

	We have continued extremely hot and dry and Lycoris bloom has 
increased, but well below the norm.

	'Spotty, at best" seems appropriate.

	I suppose the inch of rain did help, but with the spring 
freeze damage to overcome as well as the dry heat... well the theory 
may just have to wait unless we do get a good soaking rain and fast 
response, but that does not look likely.

	Hope others are experiencing better weather and blooms.

	On a better note and explained by heavy watering with the 
direct hose - Crinum 'Super Ellen' has put up a third 6 ft high bloom 
stalk and dazzled all. A late stalk on Crinum 'scabrum' (?) has put 
up a very late stalk, but the heat has not been kind to the flower - 

	Very OT, I have been growing Passiflora incarnata easily here 
for a few years and tried other cvs for hardiness. The well known 
'Incense' failed here and I was told most clones are now virused. 
This spring I put in the new similar hybrids 'Tempation' and 'Blue 
Eyed Susan' both 1/2 P. incarnata and they have bloomed nicely. I 
managed to get fruit crossing incarnata back to 'Blue Eyed Susan' 
hoping for the hardiness and larger flowers. Dreaming, or counting 
chickens (seeds) before the germinate.
	I also got a plant of the hardier P. lutea which may be too 
far off the genetic line to use in hybridizing, but I'll try it for 
hardiness this year.

	Anyone else dabbling along these lines to report?

		Best			Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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