Has he tried getting in touch with Scott Kunst at Old House Gardens <http://www.oldhousegardens.com/>? If Scott doesn't know himself, I'm sure he has all kinds of reference material that could be searched to find out. And he might even stock some of the bulbs of the time. --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a On Aug 2, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Diane Whitehead wrote: > Dear PBS members, > > We have had a request from the Gardens Curator at the Atlanta History > Center for information about bulbs, either native or introduced, that > were grown in the area before 1860. > > If you know of references or sources, I would be pleased to pass them > on, or you can write directly to John Manion > jmanion@atlantahistorycenter.com >