Lycoris squamigera started sending up first stalks on July 14th, easily 10 days earlier than the norm for here in Northwest Arkansas. The plot hit full bloom while I was away on vacation, probably about the 31st. L. xhaywardii bloomed in step with L. squamigera, maybe a little behind it, and has done very well. L. longituba and L. sanguinea, not making a strong showing, are coming into full bloom. First blooms on L. sprengeri should show in a day or two. I have small plots of L. radiata var. pumila, L. xhoudyshelii, L. straminea, L. rad-pum x L. xhaywardii and some unknown fall foliage that have sent up a few stalks. Nothing yet from L. chinensis, L. caldwellii, L. aurea var. aurea, L. rad-rad, L. aurea var. surgens. A small plot of L. longituba x L. xhaywardii is about to bust into full bloom very uniformly. Can't WAIT! A quick observation about the disastrous freeze we had this spring. My L. sprengeri foliage seemed to have been the toughest in the spring foliage group. Most of my fall foliage accessions are protected. Mr. Kelly M. Irvin 10850 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 USA 479-787-9958 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b Jim McKenney wrote: > Lycoris squamigera has started to bloom here in Maryland. How about > elsewhere? >