All this talk of Oporanthous bulbs, yet no mention of Allium ;-) This weekend marks the end of my annual 3-week vacation, and it was marvelous here in New England, not too hot (except for today), we got sufficient rain to keep everything green... the rain coming in the form of quick thundershowers or overnight sprinkles, leaving the days clear, allowing me to work out in the garden nearly the whole time. So, I was putting together a mega-gallery (actually, a series of 25 shorter photo galleries) covering the 2007 Allium season, and this Oporanthous thread has me thinking and jumping the gun to get something posted, and that's exactly what I've done. Jim mentioned the lull of bulbous plants between July and August, but with Alliums there is no such lull. July is a peak for Alliums, but so too is August... and into September. And here, at the end of August, there are still so many alliums in bud yet to bloom. So, please take a look at my "in progress" series of galleries at:… ...or go to and click on the link for "Some Summer Onions of 2007" The first 6 galleries are now active, and one near the bottom of the thumbnail gallery is active. To get a peak at some forthcoming galleries, here's a few more links: Allium 'Meteor Shower', a newly named hybrid selection for 2007:…… The allium that fools everyone into thinking it is a hosta, Allium listera:……… Mark McDonough Massachusetts, near the New Hampshire border, USDA Zone 5 ps. if this message appears in duplicate, it is because my mail client locked up in the middle of the last "send", so I'm not sure the message went through.