Iris dichotoma has been blooming for about a week. It makes a nice companion for Lycoris squamigera. Next year, I might try some Tigridia pavonia with the Iris dichotoma: the Tigridia will be closing up shop for the day at about the time the vesper iris flowers open. Zephyranthes candida is blooming, too: it seems that just about every time I water this clump, a few flowers pop up a day or two later. There is a twenty-some year old plant of Crinum 'Burgundy' in the garden here. It had become overgrown by other plants in recent years, and in fact I had forgotten which Crinum it was because it has not bloomed in recent years. I've been giving it some TLC lately; today I soaked it to see if it's ready to bloom. Here's a question for our Crinum experts: is this name 'Burgundy' the legitimate name for a particular clone, or is a sort of collective name (like a Group name) for miscellaneous red-flowered Crinum? My plant came from a New England outfit called Gladside Gardens, run by a Corys Hazeltine ( I might be spelling the name wrong) back in the '80s of the last century. I've always assumed that they were distributing plants grown in the Deep South. Does anyone else remember this company? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where it's been so dry that trees in the woods are dying. My Virtual Maryland Garden BLOG! Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society