Sinn. aghensis seed

Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:08:46 PDT
i forgot to mention this to dell-- because S. aghensis
goes dormant every year, i have been told by others
who received my seed of this species, that it can take
up to a year to sprout.  so don't throw out the pot if
there's no immediate germination.

(btw, i'm awaiting seed of S. araneosa to ripen...
stay tuned).

> 13. Sinningia aghensis --  tall growing, forming
> large tubers, it's a sun
> lover that requires full sun when adult.  i'm
> growing mine in a southern
> exposure window and that's still not enough light. 
> dark purple flowers are
> held atop very high peduncles. deciduous and goes
> dormant every year.

tsuh yang

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