Bulbils on the roots?

Diana Chapman rarebulbs@suddenlink.net
Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:49:51 PDT
I don't think S. hughii has a muddy blue form.  The ones I have are a 
brilliant blue.  The differences between S. hughii and S. peruviana are as 
follows:  In S. hughii the leaves are much broader, the bracts below each 
floret are much longer and are tinted a bronze color.  The bronze color also 
tints the stems.  I used to grow both, and was able to compare side by side, 
and you could see the differences.  There are pictures of S. hughii on my 
web site, http://www.telosrarebulbs.com/, and I tried to photgraph them to show the 

Telos Rare Bulbs


> Once, maybe twice, I have grown "Scilla peruviana" from seed exchange
> donations, at least one was labelled "Alba", but when it eventually 
> flowered
> turned out to be a dull, muddy, pale grey blue. Could this be "hughii"? 
> The
> closest in colouring from memory, is that of Scilla dimartinoi on the pbs
> wiki, though I can't remember if the flower scape differed at all from my
> other S. peruviana. The only trouble is yesterday I labelled another pot,
> with no root bulbils, as "pale form", which was what I originally called 
> it
> to differentiate it for my own purposes, so maybe this was not this form 
> but
> another that has lost its label over the eons. Now I will have to flower
> them both to see if they are different flower forms, and that may take 
> more
> than a year from the smallish sized bulbs. (only 1 has the root bulbils)

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