Oporanthous bulbs

Robt R Pries rpries@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 26 Aug 2007 08:15:33 PDT
 I stumbled accross a reference to the family
Oporanthaceae. Apparently it is a rather archaic name
created by Salisbury for rain lilies which he gave as
their own family. Of course now we include them in the
Amarylidaceae. Certainly these little beauties start
doing their thing as soon as the late summer
thunderstorms come after a period of drought. I have
just started collecting these plants and have
assembled a small collection of about 80 clones. I
hope to create a complete enumeration of the historic
and extant varieties in the form of a checklist. I
have mentioned this before on the list and I am
thankful to all that have responded to me. If you
would like to take part in this effort I extend you
the invitation once again. It would be interesting to
discover how many clones are still extant. If I had a
list of all zephyranthes and habramthus growers i
would poll them to discover what is still around.
Meanwhile i hope lots of people are enjoying the rain
lilies, the lycoris, and soon the colchicums. I even
have an Allium or two in bloom. 

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