Breeding with diploid hippeastrums: "Pink Floyd" x "Giraffe"

Hans-Werner Hammen
Sun, 19 Aug 2007 16:02:50 PDT
The specimens of the respective grex were amazingly different!
I list the seedlings with outstanding performance:…
ruby red; 3 scapes, 3+2+2 indiv. flowers…
Creamy white with pink, 3 scapes, 4+4+3 flowers
Slightly fragrant!…
Pink with some green, and the edges of the segments were heavenly friled!  1 
scape with 2 flowers
This was the one-and-only specimen I received seeds from, and, please note, 
after self pollination. Seed production after selfing is not so very likely 
in diploid hybrids a.f.a.i.k.
I obtained 45 seeds out of the 2 seed pods and, so far, 34 seedlings, 
Colors similar to the pollen donor (Giraffe);  1 scape 3 flowers. Slightly 

As to fragrance, this propery should be inherited by Pink Floyd which is, by 
some people assigned as being fragrant. However, I could not confirm this, 
at least MY specimens of "Pink Floyd" were NOT scented.

Further informations/pictures about the project are included here…

If I were to recommend a diploid breeding project then it is this 
combination of diploid parents.
Obviously a wide range of color patterns can be obtained.
However, long, genuinely tube shaped flowers will reappear first in the F2 
because that property is so obviously intermediately inherited.

The selected seedlings did produce amazingly lots of leaves, approx. 10 when 
I forced the young seedling bulbs this season, which were not older than 2.5 

Does anyone know what the parentages of the two mentioned diploid parents 
Previously, I assumed that Pink Floyd be identical to H.doraniae. But, 
concluding out of a similar diversity as above, namely in the progeny after 
crossing  Pink Floyd with H.papilio, I can no more maintain this opinion. 
And the confusion becomes all the more complete as I read in Veronica's book 
that the appearance of Pink Floyd was credited to Mr. J.L.Doran. But, in 
fact he does not know while you see that the suspected species amaryllis 
does obviously carry his name.
In the case of "Giraffe" I carry the suspicion that this is a primary hybrid 
between H.papilio and H.evansiae.
What do you think?!


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