Pacific BX 152

Dell Sherk
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:20:18 PDT
Dear All,


       The items listed below have been donated by our members to be shared.


  If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY
at <>. Include "BX 152" in the subject line. 


        Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not
specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address,
too, in case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come,
first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find,
included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/item)
(cash, check, or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you
should send the PBS treasurer to defray our costs for packing and
first-class, priority-mail, or international postage.




    Some of you are members of the online PBS discussion forum but are not
members of the Pacific Bulb Society. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO
MEMBERS OF THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage
of future offers such as this. Go to our website:

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         If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS,(Donors
will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.),
please send CLEAN, clearly labeled material to:


Dell Sherk

6832 Phillips Mill Rd.

New Hope, PA, 18938 






From Joe Shaw:


1. Seed of Rudbeckia maxima: collected in the wild, dried at room
temperature (air conditioned home) for 3-4 weeks, dipped in a synthetic
pyrethum insecticide--and dried again for weeks.  This is all typical
treatment for easily stored seeds, but I like to let folks know that they
have a bit of an insecticide on the seeds (I think the active ingredient was
cyfluthrin).  I think you could drink cyfluthrin and suffer no ill effects,
but I always try to let people know what to expect.


From Roy Herold:




2. Acis (Leucojum) autumnalis


3. Corydalis solida Eco Special Pink

Originally from Don Jacobs of Eco Gardens, who sold it as C. s. 'George
Baker', which it definitely is not, and is far superior to. (Eco Special
Pink is my own name, not Don's.) This one blooms three weeks earlier, and is
a clear, true pink color. Vigorous. Only a few, dug by mistake!


4. Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' (or 'Plena') The classic double
flowered bloodroot, undeservedly ignored by the PBS Wiki, and definitely a
must-have plant for the spring garden. Everybody should try this one, even
folks from the deep South. I was amazed to find that sanguinaria is native
as far south as Florida! Note that the double is sterile and does not seed
around, and the flowers last nearly a week longer than the single. My stock
originally came from Howard Andros, the "Johnny Bloodroot" of New England
who was very generous with donations to local plant societies. He also sold
wholesale, shipping worldwide (yeah, that's where the British got theirs).
Interesting that most every online nursery is 'SOLD OUT' of this form.


There is a nice article on sanguinaria in the non-PBS Wikipedia:



Article on the double from NARGS:






5. Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus x Cyrtanthus elatus? hybrid This is the very
first time I've ever had seed set on any of my cyrtanthus. I had tried
selfing in the past, but to no avail. This past winter I had brachyscyphus
and a hybrid in bloom at the same time, and put them nose-to-nose several
times. Voila!


6. Brachyscyphus is by far the most reliably blooming cyrtanthus for me. 

The hybrid in question is a bit shyer with its flowers, which are much
larger and a soft orange color. It looks identical to one that Lee Poulsen
posted on the wiki:




Foliage is glaucous, both are evergreen.



From Mary Sue Ittner:


SEED: (In some cases only a small amount of seed. All open pollinated.
Especially in the case of the Delphiniums that could lead to hybrids. All of
these are winter growing and all of the Delphiniums are California species.)


7. Brimeura amethystina (white) -- finally bloomed for me this year a long
time from seed and pictures on the wiki 

8. Cyclamen creticum -- winter to spring blooming 

9. Delphinium decorum -- lovely blue, I've found this one a bit more tricky
to germinate when I've wanted more 

10. Delphinium cardinale -- tall Southern California species with red

11. Delphinium luteum -- yellow flowers, extremely rare in the wild, but one
I've found easy to grow and even returning in my northern California garden
12. Delphinium patens -- this one has a tuber, dark blue-violet flowers
(unless the numerous pollinators mixed it up) 

13. Delphinium recuvatum -- new one for me, more of an inland species, light

14. Delphinium variegatum -- vigorous, dark blue 

15. Lachenalia mathewsii -- nice yellow 

16. Lilium maritimum -- somewhat rare local native, red flowers, used to
cool summers, especially at night, so may be difficult under other

17. Narcissus romieuxii -- early winter blooming, so welcome at that time of
the year 

18. Pelargonium barklyi -- few seeds only, this one has attractive leaves
and for some reason has been easier for me in Northern California that some
of the other South African geophytic species I have tried 

19. Romulea diversiformis -- South African, yellow flowers, quite cheerful
and fairly long blooming. See it in mass on the wiki


BULBS: (Some of these are in limited supply. Some are not blooming size


20. Brodiaea pallida -- very rare species growing in nature in very wet spot
so probably needs those conditions to do best. Lovely pale blue 

21. Brodiaea purdyi -- this one I've found to be a good garden and pot plant

22. Calochortus argillosus -- I'm not sure what form this is. These are
small as if offsets. All the C. argillosus are quite nice.

23. Calochortus uniflorus --  One of the least spectacular, but makes up for
it as is also one of the easiest, long blooming, and offsets well.

24. Calochortus vestae (pink) -- This form from Bob Werra also offsets well,
probably needs good water and fertilizer to do its best 

25. Freesia refracta -- white flowers with yellow markings 

26. Gladiolus alatus (tiny cormlets) -- these are those tiny cormlets that
form around the bulb so it's a bit like growing from seed. I just included
them as this is such a striking species so it seemed worth it to try. I
tried this from seed more than once before I finally had good luck 

27. Ixia polystachya -- This one is one of the more reliable Ixias for me in
northern California (besides the drooping hybrids) 

28. Lachenalia aloides quadricolor -- all of the aloides are nice. I had a
great stand in my garden for years before virus got them. These are BX
descendents from Patty Colville originally 

29. Lachenalia contaminata -- late blooming, white 

30. Lachenalia haarlemensis -- banded/spotted leaves and stems, purple
exserted stamens 

31. Lachenalia orthopetala -- late blooming, white 

32. Lachenalia pallida 

33. Lachenalia unicolor -- a lot like L. pustulata and somewhat difficult to
tell apart 

34. Moraea sp. (probably aristata) -- I repotted a Moraea sp. in one of my
raised bed pots I hadn't repotted for years and found a lot of offsets. I
have a note in my data base that this could be aristata, but there is no tag
to that effect and no guarantees, but this is my best guess. This species
grows well for me in my garden planted about 

35. Oxalis caprina -- originally from Bill Baird 

36. Oxalis commutata -- fall blooming 

37. Oxalis flava (pink) 

38. Oxalis flava (lupinifolia) 

39. Oxalis flava (yellow) 

40. Oxalis hirta 

41. Oxalis hirta 'Gothenburg'

42. Oxalis obtusa

43. Oxalis purpurea 'Skar' -- originally from Bill Baird, hasn't bloomed for
me yet 

44. Oxalis Uli 69 (flava?) -- bluish gray palmate leaves, grew in seasonally
moist soil in heavy clay on the Niewoudville plateau.

45. Oxlis melanosticta 'Ken Aslet' -- this one has never bloomed for me, but
I like the leaves so I keep growing it 

46. Polyxena longituba -- fall blooming, pot plant 

47. Tritonia dubia -- the first to bloom in the garden, sometimes confused
with an Ixia 

48. Tritonia securigera -- late bloomer orange flowers 

49. Tritonia sp. (probably hybrid crocata, pallida type) - I grew these from
my seed which was open pollinated and I didn't take a picture of what they
looked like when they bloomed this year and can't remember exactly what they
looked like 

50. Watsonia (pink hybrid)-- only a few fairly large corms


From Joyce Miller:


51. "South African Potluck"  an unidentified mix of bulbs and corms from
Joyce's collection that she has donated now that she has moved to a colder
climate zone. The batch looks to include ferraria, lachenalia, and small
irid corms (moraea, ixia, freesia, sparaxis?) A generous opportunity for a
beginner or for the adventurous. Growing these bulbs in community pots can
produce some astoundingly beautiful results over a long bloom season, and
one can imagine that it looks like a small piece of the South African veld!



Thank you Joe, Roy, Mary Sue, and Joyce !!


Best wishes,



Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX

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