Pacific BX 152

Fri, 31 Aug 2007 16:17:15 PDT
Hi, Dell

I would be interested in the below.  

Thank you,

Erin Grace
112 Junius Street 
Thomasville, GA 31792

2. Acis (Leucojum) autumnalis
3. Corydalis solida Eco Special Pink
4. Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' (or 'Plena') 
5. Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus x Cyrtanthus elatus?
6. Brachyscyphus is by far the most reliably blooming cyrtanthus for me. 
7. Brimeura amethystina (white) -- finally bloomed for me this year a long
time from seed and pictures on the wiki 
8. Cyclamen creticum -- winter to spring blooming 
15. Lachenalia mathewsii -- nice yellow 
17. Narcissus romieuxii -- early winter blooming, so welcome at that time of
the year 
19. Romulea diversiformis -- South African, yellow flowers, quite cheerful
and fairly long blooming. See it in mass on the wiki
20. Brodiaea pallida -- very rare species growing in nature in very wet spot
so probably needs those conditions to do best. Lovely pale blue 
21. Brodiaea purdyi -- this one I've found to be a good garden and pot plant
25. Freesia refracta -- white flowers with yellow markings 
26. Gladiolus alatus (tiny cormlets) -- 
27. Ixia polystachya -- This one is one of the more reliable Ixias for me in
northern California (besides the drooping hybrids) 
28. Lachenalia aloides quadricolor -- 29. Lachenalia contaminata -- late
blooming, white 
30. Lachenalia haarlemensis -- banded/spotted leaves and stems, purple
exserted stamens 
31. Lachenalia orthopetala -- late blooming, white 
32. Lachenalia pallida 
33. Lachenalia unicolor -- a lot like L. pustulata and somewhat difficult to
tell apart 
34. Moraea sp. (probably aristata) -
35. Oxalis caprina -- originally from Bill Baird 
36. Oxalis commutata -- fall blooming 
37. Oxalis flava (pink) 
38. Oxalis flava (lupinifolia) 
39. Oxalis flava (yellow) 
40. Oxalis hirta 
41. Oxalis hirta 'Gothenburg'
42. Oxalis obtusa
43. Oxalis purpurea 'Skar' -- originally from Bill Baird, hasn't bloomed for
me yet 
44. Oxalis Uli 69 (flava?) -- bluish gray palmate leaves, grew in seasonally
moist soil in heavy clay on the Niewoudville plateau.
45. Oxlis melanosticta 'Ken Aslet' -- this one has never bloomed for me, but
I like the leaves so I keep growing it 
46. Polyxena longituba -- fall blooming, pot plant 
47. Tritonia dubia -- the first to bloom in the garden, sometimes confused
with an Ixia 
48. Tritonia securigera -- late bloomer orange flowers 
49. Tritonia sp. (probably hybrid crocata, pallida type) -
 51. "South African Potluck" 

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