Bessera in Hawai`i

Jacob Knecht
Mon, 27 Aug 2007 20:54:22 PDT
Aloha friends,

This was my first year growing Bessera, and it put on
a breathtaking show. As of last week it has officially
gone into dormancy.  From everything I have been told
and read, I presume that in my climate, I ought to
keep them dry from the onset of dormancy until April
or May of the following year. Then water once or
twice, waiting for leaves to break the surface until
daily watering can be done with relative impunity
during active growth until the season of growth comes
to a close.  

I used a mix of 50% black cinder and 50% potting soil
(a brand called Big R) that drains instantly.

I wonder if it's precipitation that triggers their
emergence or do seasonal temperature changes hold more
sway?  My one concern is that my winter lows are not
low enough (rarely go below 65F outdoors under my roof
eaves where I keep dormant potted bulbs), and as such,
they might need cooler temps to season them properly
for the following year's growth.  

I realise that although Bessera's native latitude is
similar to mine here in Hawai`i, but I hear that they
grow at much higher altitudes.  I am at about 300'
above sea level.  

Any reflections on Bessera cultivation at tropical
latitudes would be greatly appreciated, as well as
temperature data from their habitat, if anyone has
access to it.


Jacob Knecht
Honolulu, Hawai`i

see my botanical photography at:

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