Lycoris squamigera

Jim McKenney
Mon, 06 Aug 2007 07:47:50 PDT
Wow! I wish I lived close enough to Kelly Irvin to drive over and see his
Lycoris plantings. Kelly, any chance you can post some images of those?

Lauw de Jager's post raises a few questions for me. Lauw mentions planting
Lycoris squamigera under Phoenix canariensis. I wonder, is there anywhere in
the US where both Lycoris squamigera and Phoenix canariensis can be grown
successfully outside? I'm pretty sure that here on the east coast of North
America, Lycoris squamigera will not thrive even in the northernmost areas
where Phoenix canariensis can be grown. 

Lauw, have you seen thriving Lycoris squamigera in the area where you have
planted them? 

I just checked the wiki and saw lots of Lycoris images which were not there
the last time I looked. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where Scadoxus multiflorus has
set a bit of seed again. 

My Virtual Maryland Garden

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