I regret I had no time to take some photos of two little known native Allium . One is Allium atroviolaceum, a species of eastern Mediterranean which has its western limit in Apulia -Italy. One time common in olive fields, now it is regarded as endangered, due to the farmlands activities. It is related to Allium ampeloprasum, but differs for its taller stature (70-100cm) and the dark purple flower heads and anters. It flowers in June here. It's a charming species and has some horticultural appeal for me. The other one is Allium commutatum, called sea garlic, as it dwells on the rocky lands on the sea. Bulbs are though to be salt resistant and floaters. It flowers very late for a Mediterranean plant, in July and later. This is more or less spread along all Italian coasts. Well, let's wait till next year ! Angelo Porcelli Italy