Hello Arnold, I am envious of your Arisaema culture and collection. I love the big Arisaemas, but I have a little trouble keeping tortuosum and consanguineum alive, even though they are overwintered dry in the garage. Last year a large consanguineum rotted after the leaf collapsed in the fall. (no rain) This year I lost another consanguineum in the spring, shortly after I put it outside. I'm using a light mixture of potting mix and perlite or pumice, in containers. I tried leaving Amorphophallus konjac in the ground one winter and it rotted. What really confuses me is the fact that at the nearby Berkeley Botanical garden, A. tortuosum and consanguineum are thriving as part of the permanent woodland landscape. What kind of soil do you grow them in? Do you lift them in the winter? Approximately how much soil do you have covering the tops of the bulbs? I'd appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks, Jamie Sunset zone 15, USDA 9