Databases, Bibliographies, and the Wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 23 Oct 2003 21:08:41 PDT
Dear All,

I have been thinking about the proposal to add a number of databases to the 
wiki. I am not very enthusiastic about short term files on the wiki. We now 
have almost 1300 files and we haven't even had the wiki for a year. I am 
sure that over time it will continue to grow. It takes me quite awhile to 
keep on top of all of them and try to make sure that each one makes it to a 
wiki page. That is where they become a wonderful resource. To have to 
remember to remove a file later is a task that I am not eager to assume. 
Since ibiblio has been very generous to allow us all this space as part of 
their promoting information I think it is important that files that are 
uploaded do get linked to a wiki page. Otherwise they are just taking up space.

If someone in this group would like to volunteer to summarize the 
discussion about data bases and make a wiki page to be linked to our 
miscellaneous page with this information on it we would then have a place 
to put some sample databases for people to try out if they have software 
that enables them to do so.

If and when that happens, Boyce can send me the file he offered and I will 
transfer it to the wiki and add a link to that page. Otherwise, I suggest 
that people who are interested can contact him privately and ask for a copy.

I think Jane's suggestion of a resource bibliography for bulbs is an 
excellent one and I accept her offer to compile one. When it is done, she 
can send it to me and I'll add it to the wiki or to the PBS web page if 
that is her preference.

I believe the Pacific Bulb Society is still hoping that someone will 
volunteer to be in charge of the PBS web page. What I have put up is really 
basic and just fulfilled the requirement to be an entry to the wiki which 
we needed to have.

And I'd also like to remind everyone that we ask you to keep your files a 
reasonable size (100 kb. or lower.) Because Mark and I spend a lot of time 
taking off weird files that are added to our site we are adding some 
limitations so some of these files will not be allowed. So if you want to 
add something besides an image, please check first. If you add a very large 
file in the future you will get a message telling you the file size is too 
large so to avoid disappointment please reduce those files before you 
upload them. Also if you have an unusual name for one of your files you 
should tell us too. We often take files off without looking at them if they 
have strange names. Unfortunately, I took off one of Angelo's files named 
Destruction.jpg. not knowing until he wrote later that it was intended for 
our group.

Mary Sue

PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)

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