dells@voicenet.comDoug Westfall dells@voicenet.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, CA > Dear Doug Westfall and All, > > Where can I buy the form of imidaproclid (Marathon) which can be > dissolved in water and used for a drench or spray? The granular form > is quite expensive. > > Dell > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > Dell, Forget the 'Marathon' and get a bottle of Bayer's "Tree and Shrub Insect Control." While others places carry it, Home Depot is the least expensive. (One local nyrsery here carries it at a higher price. I think that others have made suggestions, but the "effective" dilution is 1 - 2 oz. per gallon of water. Then you can use it as a "drench," a spray, or an occasional watering. I've used it all three ways, and it IS EFFECTIVE! I've used it on Scadoxus, Hippeastrum, Haemanthus, and other things as well. If you have "stored" bulbs and the mealies are on them, soak them in this mix (I've soaked Sprekelia over night) before planting them. It also works against aphids just as effectively. Let me know if you have other questions on use of Imidacloprid. Doug