Dear All, As a continuation of our discussion on landscaping with plants this week's topic is companion plants to bulbs. Some of you have already included this in your postings last week so we have a start. When you grow bulbs in your garden, what do you find you can plant with them either to cover up the foliage when it is drying or to give pleasing combinations? Which plants have you found work as ground covers that bulbs can grow through? So often bulbs need light to do well so most of us have found that some things that were once fine begin to shade out the plants (unless that is what the plants prefer) and they no longer bloom. Also if you use bulbs in your garden alone unless they are evergreen there will be a time when that part looks a little ratty. Please share with everybody what works for you and be sure and include information about where you live when you do so. Thanks. Mary Sue PBS List Administrator, Wiki Worker, TOW Coordinator (Whew!)