Hi Jennifer, At this point I believe the flower has already formed in your bulbs. A 10 minute soak in Isopropyl will kill the mealies without hurting the bulb and incipient bloom. After soak, rinse in water to remove the Isopropyl. I have used this methodology on infested Hippeastrum bulbs. Other methods: >rubbing alcohol = Isopropyl (70% wood alcohol) >Murphy's Oil combo (Oil/Isopropyl/water is good for spraying >rot-gut scotch/gin/vodka are 80% alcohol = Isopropyl is more economical > 1:1 dishsoap/water mix = clean mealies. Isopropyl is necessary to > remove the waxy coating on the mealy bug. Kind regards, Joyce Miller Joyce E. Miller mailto:onager@midtown.net Zone USDA 9A Summer highs 100+degrees F for several to many days. Winter lows 27 degrees F