Thanks again to Rhoda and Cameron and everyone else who made distribution of the Brunsvigia grandiflora seed possible. My packet of sprouts went into a community pot where 19 now have leaves. A few arrived with leaf tips damaged and/or rotted. These are continuing to produce bulbs and some additional leaf growth. Fred Boutin Tuolumne, CA . Zone 7 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mary Sue Ittner" <> To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 9:12 AM Subject: [pbs] Brunsvigia grandiflora seeds > Dear All, > > Dell tells me that 30+ people asked for the Brunsvigia grandiflora seeds > from Rhoda and Cameron. I think this is a splendid opportunity to document > how long Amaryllid seed can remain viable and still produce bulbs. > > Rhoda and Cameron stored the seed in their refrigerator as they planned to > sell it as orders came in. So it was there quite a long time. I am sure > that many people at the IBS Symposium purchased seed. When we visited them > after the Symposium was over, most of the seeds that was left had already > formed radicles so the seed needed to be planted immediately. Rhoda and > Cameron were going to be moving soon so they were very busy and they made > the decision rather than trying to find time to plant it as they normally > would have, to bring pleasure to members of this list by donating it. > > Rachel agreed to provide a phyto and send the seeds to her brother in the > US that week. He would send the seeds on to Dell. As I wrote explaining all > this to Dell so he could notify everyone, Patty Colville went through all > the seeds and removed those that were clearly not going to make it. Rachel > advised packing them in a paper bag. We hoped those that were plump even if > they had already started the process, could still be sown, and would grow. > But then it took about three weeks for the seeds to get to Dell who > reported they looked like Chinese Bean Sprouts at that stage. He > immediately sent them on to everyone. So it would seem that at least 4-5 > weeks had passed and maybe longer after these seeds had started to > germinate before they could be planted. And they wouldn't have always been > cool in transit. > > I would assume that if they are going to grow, many of them will already > have shoots. I am asking those who got seeds to let us know how they are > doing. If you are reluctant to do this to the whole group, please let me or > Dell know and we can summarize anonymous reports. I know when I give > something to the BX I always wonder what luck people had. I am sure that > all of us who were involved in making this happen would love to know if it > was worth it. And it would be helpful information for the future. > > Thanks. > > Mary Sue > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > >