
Daryl 'Dash' Geoghegan plants_man@bigpond.com
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 15:20:54 PDT

we have a product available to us here in Oz. called 'urea free blood and
bone'. It works like powdered gold! The bulbs go crazy after a feed and they
love it.

The only other magic I use is woodash, applied once every 2 years and again
the bulbs love this!

I use the KISS principle for our fertilizing regiem.

Best wishes,


Daryl 'Dash' Geoghegan, Mainly Amaryllids Garden,
P O Box 173, Barnawartha,Victoria,3688, Australia.
+61 02 60267377
Visit my web site @
Now with Online Payment Method

Email the Australian Bulb Association at:


ABA Web Sites:



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lee Poulsen" <wpoulsen@pacbell.net>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Fertilizers--TOW

> >So what do the rest of you do? Does anyone still use bone meal? How
> >about the mixes you buy at the stores that are advertised for bulbs?
> >Has anyone done a test with planting using two kinds of fertilizer?
> >Do others feel that bulbs hate phosphorus and if so which ones? Who
> >uses miracle grow and how often? How about manure? We had some
> >osmocote horror stories from Uli's Hippeastrum a number of years ago
> >and from Diana Chapman too if I remember correctly, but are some of
> >you having success with this? How about nutricote which is supposed
> >to release fertilizer slowly and not be temperature dependent like
> >osmocote? Who uses liquid feed only and how often?
> I tried bone meal for a couple of years, but didn't notice any
> difference in growth, and like others have said, it attracted the
> dog, so I quit using it.
> I used to use Osmocote, but at half the recommended rate, and I quit
> after all that discussion some time ago about the problems it has
> when it gets too hot and things are watered a lot.
> Someone back then recommended a different product, called Apex, and I
> finally tracked down, using the Internet, a farm supply chain in
> South. Calif. that carried it. The only problem was that they only
> have stores at the periphery of the L.A. metropolitan area (which is
> huge). So I made a drive out to a store one day, discovered that
> since it comes in bulk, it is *much* cheaper than Osmoscote, and it
> comes in many different N-P-K configurations. I bought two 50 lb.
> bags of it and each bag has lasted a long time, even with all the
> pots I have. Right before Jennifer moved away, I got her to get me
> two more bags of it right before one of Cathy Craig's potlucks.
> I got the 21-5-12 plus minors formulation after hearing all the
> things that have been discussed over the years, and it turns out that
> Apex formulates and markets its products for the Australian market as
> well, which uses a different methodology for measuring the N-P-K
> contents. According to the bag label, in Australia, the formulation
> is 21-2.1-9.9 This is supposed to be a good formulation for
> Australian natives as well, according to Apex. They also make
> different lengths of duration for the time release and and although
> it is dependent on temperature, Apex gives a rating table for a range
> of temperatures. I got the formulation that lasts 9 months at 70 deg.
> F. (10 months at 60 deg. F., 8 months at 80 deg. F., 7 months at 90
> deg. F.)
> I use it at the rate of 1/2 tablespoon per "gallon" of pot
> size---which is half the rate suggested on the Osmocote packages. I
> apply it when shoots start to appear in the autumn for winter growers
> and in the spring when shoots start to appear for summer growers.
> Everything seems to be growing much better since I started this
> regimen, and one appplication lasts most of the growing season for
> the winter growers. One bag is enough for all my pots and plants for
> more than 12 months of growing seasons. Best of all it only costs
> US$30 for a 50 lb. bag.
> I know this is pragmatist's experience, but it seems to square well
> with what others have written from a more scientific poitn of view.
> -- 
> --Lee Poulsen
> Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10
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