Favorite place to order glassine envelopes?

R Hansen via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 19 Sep 2021 11:39:19 PDT
Paper versus glassine envelopes:  Jane uses glassine and they're excellent,
but in desperation I bought coin envelopes from my local office supply (and
no, it's not a chain store so they keep them in stock), and these have
worked beautifully. The only disadvantage is you can't see what's in them,
but the coin envelopes are very inexpensive so I buy by the box of 500,
which can last a year or two for me. Also, the coin envelopes use regular
envelope glue and all except the finest seeds do not stick to the glued

Robin Hansen
1.6 inches rain and a little more to come
Southwestern Oregon, Coquille Valley

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