Belladonna and L. squamigera

Luminita vollmer via pbs
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 05:35:44 PDT
I also have a few Belladonna bulbs that I bought from someone at the local
farmer's market about 10 years ago. I planted them in the garden, the
seller told me they multiply like crazy and they live outside during the

I only saw them blooming once, like maybe the second year I planted them,
and forgot about them every year until spring when a large bush of green
leaves appeared and then quickly disappeared until next year.

But this year -  I had a large group of blooms, a dozen stalks or so , just
a big bunch of flowers that you could see from far away in the yard. Early
in August the spikes came up and bloomed.

The seller told me Belladonna, but they could be L. squamigera. We get
really cold weather here, -20F  or even more. And for many days in a row.
This year we had over 90F for week, and high humidity. Many of my
perennials are behaving like they were under war-like conditions - they all
have bulbils where usually they don't.

If anyone's worry is about Belladonna being outside in cold weather, mine
are doing it. And if they are L. squamigera, they are also doing it.
Maybe I planted them deep, I will try to dig them up in a couple of weeks,
they really are not in a good spot for me, but apparently yes for the

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