Cold Treatment

Robert Lauf via pbs
Mon, 27 Sep 2021 10:40:30 PDT
In recent exchanges, I got seeds of Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum and Massonia bredasdorpensis.  I sowed, as I often do, in little covered containers of promix, and left in the greenhouse.  After weeks with nothing happening I stuck both in the refrigerator for a few weeks.  The other day I removed them to a sunny windowsill, and within a day or two the Ornithogalum seeds germinated.  Pretty dramatic response, and now I just have to hope I didn't get them all out of sync with the calendar!  But I've generally found that once seedlings get growing nicely, they figure out when they want to go dormant.
Yes, I know I'm reinventing the wheel, but the speed of germination after removing from the chilling amazed me so I thought I'd share.
Nothing showing yet on the Massonia.
Bob   Zone 7
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