Iris histrioides/A. belladonna

Jane McGary via pbs
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 21:12:15 PST
Iris histroides does better here in places where it gets little or no 
summer water. It does well in full sun.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 2/17/2021 2:07 PM, edward mccaleb via pbs wrote:
> Hi,
> Wondering if anyone can tell me what I’m doing wrong withIris histrioides.  I live not too farfrom the confluence of the Cape Fear R. and the Atlantic, a USDA 8B zone.   We are protected from weather extremes(except hurricanes) by the gulf stream, which is not too far offshore.
> For several years I’ve tried growing I. histrioides withoutsuccess.  Planted them in areas receivingfull sun (10 hrs) w/ well drained soils (sand mixed with a little mulch/manure)in multiple locations.  This year Ipotted them in a mixture of #57 gravel and a little potting mix. I thought thisan early blooming species, but so far not even a nudge of green above grade.  Miz Lawrence identifies this an "easy" species.
> Any suggestions?
> Also, has anyone ever had success with Amaryllis belladonna inthe area?  I purchased a few bulbs years ago, theygerminated easily enough and are now fully leafed out.  The foliage typically dies back as the hotweather arrives and they remain dormant the autumn (November here).  Going on five years now, it has neverflowered.  Should I have any hope that itever will?
> Thanks!Edward
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