Some EX02-Statistics; Timing discussion

Nils Hasenbein via pbs
Sun, 28 Feb 2021 11:11:03 PST
Hi Martin,

for me, three days were just fine. Announcing the exchange dates 
beforehand was very helpful, as I am absolutetly drowning in e-mails at 
the moment. Again, thanks for your effort!

We had major issues with mail during heavy snow two weeks ago, and I am 
sure there are still some of our letters missing. That, and Brexit 
trouble, as Brian suggested, might indeed have been a problem for the 
exchange this year. Seeds arrived within a day, and I will surely turn 
to the List to help me growing the material from seed exchange into 
material for a future bulb exchange.

All the best,

Nils (In the middle of Germany, where after a mild winter we went to -18 
°C two weeks ago to +18 °C one week ago to 8 °C today. Daffodils, 
Snowdrops and Crocus in the lawn didn't mind, a lot of pots were moved 
around, and some things might have been lost during the -18 °C)

> As there have been discussions about the time window of 3 days (which 
> was missed by 4 latecomers). Please share your opinion: should it be 
> prolonged for future exchanges? Sidenote: We already have a rule to 
> include both at least one day of the weekend and one working day, and 
> the start of the time window is announced to eligible participants 
> through a personal notification email in case they don't regularly 
> look at the mailing list.
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