Telos Rare Bulbs

Diana Chapman via pbs
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 12:43:50 PST
Thank you, Robin.  It has actually taken me the best part of three weeks 
just to update the availability on the web site, and I still have the 
greenhouses to take care of and orders to fill.  As for hiring someone 
to do it, I couldn't possibly afford it, and anyway, I tried some time 
back to have someone make a cd of bulbs that I would provide to 
customers and it was a total nightmare, she couldn't understand the 
names, couldn't spell them, even with me going over them carefully, and 
I finally abandoned it.  So, if my web site is clunky and 'not modern', 
that's the way it is.  I have rarely had any complaints about it.

> A suggestion that revamping our websites that would avoid questions and other issues is great. But when you're a single proprietor with no paid help and when revamping takes an incredible amount of time and resources, it's much, much more difficult. We struggle along as best we can and make changes as we can, but for me the last two years have been very difficult due to family issues, a major move and other obligations. Oh, yes, and a grandson who is no longer readily available... Given the pandemic and the fact that we all have family, often elderly or otherwise needing assistance, things don't happen as quickly or efficiently as they should.
> Right now I'm faced with at least updating some website information and finding the time, let alone determining the best way to do it, can be roadblocks in themselves.
> So, these upgrades will get done, but for specialist nurseries, these take a lower priority than making sure we have unusual and/or rare plants available for the plant lovers who support us. Personally, I'll put up with clunky websites to get what I want, knowing I can't get a plant anywhere else nearly as easily.
> Robin Hansen
> Hansen Nursery
> In the southern wilds of Coos County, Oregon
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