Telos Rare Bulbs

Diana Chapman via pbs
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 07:40:12 PST
A few requests:

When you e-mail me an order (which is perfectly fine), PLEASE put your 
name and address on the order.  You might be amazed at how many orders I 
get without this information.

Please read the genus description to see when bulbs will ship.  I am 
getting many orders for species like Oxalis, Narcissus or Calochortus 
which are shipped in summer when dormant, the customer expecting to get 
them now.

It seems that most people are using their cell phones to look at the web 
site and order, without reading descriptions or details about shipping. 
Answering questions such as 'how much is this bulb', 'when does this 
ship', etc. is eating up huge amounts of my time, sometimes 
necessitating a half dozen e-mails to the same customer. All the 
information you should need is on the web site, please take the time to 
read it.

I do realize that the main culprits are probably not PBS members and 
that some may be overcome with excitement at seeing a bulb that they 
want, thereby prompting a hasty e-mail, so I am trying to be patient, 
but I do need some time in the day to pry myself away from the computer 
to take care of my bulbs and pack orders.

Telos Rare Bulbs

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