Telos Rare Bulbs

Mike via pbs
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 13:06:45 PST

I’ve ordered stuff from You and Robin. Having access to the products in
your offerings which are well priced and amazing quality  ( like my
Velthemia I got a few years back that’s breaking out of the pot or some
great cyclamen I got from Robin to plant in an elderly friends garden to
cheer her up during the pandemic....) frankly it’s all worth know
I’ll have a great purchase experience..not having the endless back and
forth getting bad product ftom other vendors or not what I thought it was
products....I just had Bob Lauf walk me through purchasing bulbs direct
from South Africa..,sure when I round up a group to split the shipping cost
with the mean time I’m happy to have great vendors amongst the I know if it’s wrong you will fix it and more then likely from
both You and Robin there are no surprises when I get the box from either of
you full of what I expected.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 12:44 PM Diana Chapman via pbs <> wrote:

> Thank you, Robin.  It has actually taken me the best part of three weeks
> just to update the availability on the web site, and I still have the
> greenhouses to take care of and orders to fill.  As for hiring someone
> to do it, I couldn't possibly afford it, and anyway, I tried some time
> back to have someone make a cd of bulbs that I would provide to
> customers and it was a total nightmare, she couldn't understand the
> names, couldn't spell them, even with me going over them carefully, and
> I finally abandoned it.  So, if my web site is clunky and 'not modern',
> that's the way it is.  I have rarely had any complaints about it.
> Diana
> Telos
> > A suggestion that revamping our websites that would avoid questions and
> other issues is great. But when you're a single proprietor with no paid
> help and when revamping takes an incredible amount of time and resources,
> it's much, much more difficult. We struggle along as best we can and make
> changes as we can, but for me the last two years have been very difficult
> due to family issues, a major move and other obligations. Oh, yes, and a
> grandson who is no longer readily available... Given the pandemic and the
> fact that we all have family, often elderly or otherwise needing
> assistance, things don't happen as quickly or efficiently as they should.
> >
> > Right now I'm faced with at least updating some website information and
> finding the time, let alone determining the best way to do it, can be
> roadblocks in themselves.
> >
> > So, these upgrades will get done, but for specialist nurseries, these
> take a lower priority than making sure we have unusual and/or rare plants
> available for the plant lovers who support us. Personally, I'll put up with
> clunky websites to get what I want, knowing I can't get a plant anywhere
> else nearly as easily.
> >
> > Robin Hansen
> > Hansen Nursery
> > In the southern wilds of Coos County, Oregon
> >
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