Telos Rare Bulbs

M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:26:00 PST
I agree the Telos website works well enough. I would much prefer a simple
website and excellent bulbs like Telos offers than some fancy site like
Zappos and ordinary or inferior bulbs. And I appreciate that it is Diana
who corresponds. I know how much effort goes into growing these bulbs from
seed so her nursery is a treasure.

I ordered several species I had not grown before last year and am having a
lot of fun watching them. This week my Tropaeolum azureum began blooming.
From a tuber the size of a garbanzo bean and a thin thread of a shoot, an
amazing canopy loaded with flower buds has scrambled all over the
pollinator exclusion net I built around it. In the attached photo I placed
a T. hookerianum bloom beside the T. azureum to show how much more blue the
latter has.

I usually grow from seed but I have not gotten this species seed to
germinate. I have several tiny pots this year, some still in the fridge,
and some taken out after various lengths of cooling. None have emerged yet.
Well this year I will have lots of seed, if I get out there with my paint
brush. I am waiting for a day less windy. The blooms which have escaped the
netting could be cross pollenated by T. hookerianum since it is a cloud of
purple only 10 m away and loaded with bees. The bees have not yet found the
T. azureum.

As Jim mentioned, it has been unusually dry and windy. Some bulb leaves
already have tips turning brown even though I have been carrying buckets of
saved rain water for what seems like hours each day. My barrels are below
half capacity now so it better rain again before summer.

Santa Barbara, California
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