Extreme Cold in the USA - How are PBS Members Faring?

Robert Parks via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 16 Feb 2021 10:16:57 PST
For weather reporting, I use the noaa point forecast away from home, in
concert with the forecast discussion. Of course adding knowledge of local
conditions. There are half a dozen weather stations around me, so I can
generally get a good idea of local conditions. I have a set of wireless
thermometers similarly located to yours. 3 separate microclimates between
front side and back yard.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 9:07 AM R Hansen via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

> Tim brings up an interesting point - weather reporting websites? My
> question
> is - which are the most accurate everywhere, which work best in specific
> regions? My base is NOAA but their weather reports, at least in this area
> (Coos County, Oregon), come from miles away at airports, mostly. Keep in
> mind I don't watch television so their reports aren't much use to me.
> I keep thermometers in various places, out of direct sun, one in the
> unheated greenhouse, one on top of a gate, another in a garden window
> facing
> west. They are the old fashioned "recording" kind where you move the
> columns
> of mercury? with a magnet. Other thermometers are useless as I move these
> around.
> I've finally bought a Kestral 5500 and am learning to use it. It does not
> have GPS which would be handy, but my new Sony camera has that capability,
> so obviously that's not at the top of the priority list.
> Even given the accuracy of various weather reporting instruments, I have a
> surprising range of microclimates just on my city lot, which sits 30-40
> feet
> above the river and its flood plain.
> One other question - how accurate are and which are the best international
> weather sites?
> Thanks,
> Robin Hansen
> Very wet, flooding valley of the Coquille River, Coos County, Oregon
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