CX1 Boston

Roy Herold via pbs
Sat, 17 Oct 2020 10:25:23 PDT
Clivia Exchange 1

I have about a dozen clivias I'd like to get rid of before it gets too 
cold. Free to paid up PBS members, and you must pick them up at my place 
about 20 miles northwest of Boston. NO SHIPPING.

They aren't terribly rare or special, but are a bit out of the ordinary. 
Several from Nakamura via Mattus, some of the wide leaf Chinese types, a 
couple of nice seedlings, and straight species. There are a bunch of 
nerines available, too, if you're into that sort of thing.

In return, it would be nice if you could make a donation to PBS in an 
amount along the lines of the regular BX fees. Purely optional, though. 
Please respond privately--DO NOT HIT THE REPLY BUTTON.

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