BX 471 Crocus clarification

Mike Rummerfield via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 21 Oct 2020 22:31:59 PDT
Item 36, *Crocus tommasinianus* is seed, not bulbs (corms).  It is my fault
for not indicating to Luminita whether it was  seed or bulb in my email to

It is *seed* from a batch I collected for myself from various Crocus
tommasinianus cultivars that grow well for me here.

The bees are always busy collecting pollen (they need protein that time of
year, February, foraging on days when/if the temperature is 50℉ or above)
and do a splendid job of pollinating and cross pollinating them, along with
a number of other Crocus species blooming at the same time.   I never know
what I'm going to end up with.  So this may include the standard
tommasinianus, to darker colors, roseas, wine colored, and novel streaked
and tipped.

This certainly isn't a rare geophyte, but it brings so much pleasure during
late Winter/early Spring, unless our rains turn them to mush - or the voles
get to them.  One winter after a prolonged, deep snow cover, I found
numerous stashes of the corms secreted away throughout the garden.  The
voles had dug up easily 50% of the corms and deposited them in piles, some
corms partially eaten.  It took  f  o  r  e  v  e  r  to replant them all.

I've never sent a photo through the list, but will try to send photos of
bloom variation.

W. Washinton, zn. 7, cool mediterranean
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