Dear All The items listed below have been donated by members and friends to be shared. If you are interested in some of them, please send me an e-mail. If you are a donor and don't see your donation on this exchange list, please don't worry, I will have another exchange shortly as a catch-all. I know many people sent in donations and it takes a while to get them all. I don't want to delay donations that have a shorter shelf life. Please *write* a new message addressed to the e-mail below *Include* BX 471 in the title of the message. In the body* include* your *name, address, and # of the item(s) you want.* Many *thanks* to all the donors. Many *thanks* to all the members for keeping PBS alive by ordering seeds. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money you owe (usually $2.00 – $5.00 per share of seeds or bulbs + postage and packaging charges) based on the distribution process and the order you placed, and instructions about how to pay/where to send your payment. PAYMENT IS DUE AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE YOUR PACKAGE/ENVELOPE. Only Members of the PBS can order bulbs/seeds ( membership fee required), although many non-members are subscribed to the discussion list (subscribing to the list is free.) This sale will *Start today, Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 1pmCST and Close on Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 1pm CST. * When this sale is over I will send an e-mail to all that placed an order to confirm receipt. If you don't get an e-mail, please send me another e-mail to let me know. Lately we've been having issues with people missing their e-mails. Good luck everyone! Luminita Buried in 9 inches of snow! Exchange BX 471 *Dan Fetty* 1. Iris setosa, bulbs - lavender, 4ft tall 2. Iris laevigata, bulbs - aquatic culture, 3-4 ft 3. Iris ensata, seeds - blues, pinks, whites 4. Hemerocallis hybrids, tetraploid, seeds - creams, pinks, white eyezones with contrasting edges 5. Lilium ‘Frisco’ , Orienpet hybrid white with rose center, scented, bulbils 6. Hippeastrum bulbs, red and white *Nick Plummer* 7. Cyrtanthus sanguineus, bulbs 8. Sprekelia formossissima ‘Yukatan’ x self *Francisco Lopez* 9. Tulipa species mix 10. Fritillaria persica 11. Fritillaria meleagris 12. Fritillaria raddeanna 13. Anemone multifida 14. Anemone sylvestris 15. Eremurus robustus 16. Cyclamen persicum ‘Fred’s White’ 17. Iris ensata 18. Iris subg. Scorpiris [Juno] section 19. Paeonia peregrina ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ 20. Lathyrus tuberosus 21. Iris sibirica ‘Perry’s Blue’ 22. Alstroemeria aurea ‘Orange King’ 23. Oncostemma peruviana *Kipp McMichael* 24. Brunsvigia josephinae 25. Crossyne flava 26. Crossyne guttata 27. Boophone disticha (few) 28. Boophone haemanthoides (few) *Mike Rummerfield* 29. Anthericum ramosum - seed 30. Freesia laxa - bulbs 31. Hyacinthoides non-scripta ‘Ramone’ (? -not sure of the spelling of the cultivar name) - bulbs 32. Iris latifolia - seed 33. Ornithogalum magnum- seed 34. Romulea camerooniana, syn R. campanuloides - bulbs 35. Tulipa sprengeri - seed 36. Crocus tommasinianus *Thomas Glavich* 37. Brunsvigia litoralis 38. Scilla (Autonoe) latifolia 39. Massonia depressa, ex Cameron Mcmaster *Robert Lauf* 40. Ornithogalum saundersiae, seeds 41. Ornithogalum longibracteatum, bulblets 42. Amorphophallus eccentricus , bulbs various sizes 43. Sauromatum venosum, bulbs *Chris Cooper* 44. Freesia furcata BX 45. Geissorhiza corrugata Silverhill 46. Gladiolus tristis BX 47. Lachenalia contaminata BX 48. Lachenalia (Polyxena) ensifolia BX 49. Lachenalia hirta Silverhill 50. Lachenalia mutabilis Silverhill 51. Lachenalia (Polyxena) maughanii (originally as unknown sp.) BX 52. Lachenalia punctata (rubida) Silverhill 53. Lachenalia (Polyxena) pusilla 54. Lachenalia pustulata BX 55. Lachenalia (Polyxena) pygmaea (noted as from Karas) BX 56. Lachenalia unicolor BX 57. Lapeirousia arenicola Silverhill 58. Massonia pseudoechinata (received as echinata but most are now renamed to this) BX 59. Moraea setifolia BX 60. Moraea vegeta BX 61. Ornithogalum glandulosum BX 62. Sparaxis parviflora BX 63. Sparaxis metelerkampiae (short form) BX or Silverhill 64. Sparaxis metelerkampiae (tall form) BX or Silverhill 65. Tritonia deusta Silverhill 66. Tritonia dubia BX *James Waddick* 67. Lycoris longituba - species and hybrids. Mostly pure white. 68. Lycoris chinensis - species and hybrids - Golden, yellow and paler 69. Lycoris mix - above species, hybrids, and L. sprengeri. (Lycoris seeds have a short viability and should be planted soon after receipt. Press in soil up to 1 in deep and water well. Hardy through Zone 5. ) *Carolyn Dorsch* 70. Chlorogalum pomeridianum 71. Allium amplectens 72. Allium falcifolium 73. Calochortus catalinae 74. Calochortus luteus 75. Calochortus splendans 76. Calochortus superbus 77. Calochortus uniflorus 78. Calochortus vestae 79. Calochortus weedii 80. Brodiaea elegans 81. Dichelostemma congestum 82. Dichelostemma multiflorum 83. Dichelostemma volubile 84. Triteleia hyacinthina 85. Triteleia ixioides, 86. Triteleia ixioides "Starlight" 87. Triteleia laxa “Humboldt Star” 88. Allium hyalinum, bulb 89. Triteleia ixioides, bulb 90. Triteleia ixioides “Starlight”, bulb *Jan Jeddeloh* 91. Scilla monophyllos 92. Muscari cycladicum 93. Cyclamen graecum 94. Tecophilaea cyanocrocus (3 seeds per order) Geissohriza inflexa *Linda Press Wolf* 95. Morea pendula 96. Aristea major 97. Aristea inaequalis 98. Morea huttonii *Jane McGary* 99. Alstroemeria diluta 100. Massonia depressa 101. Cyclamen repandum sbsp rhodense 102. Triteleia peduncularis 103. Fritillaria raddeana 104. Fritillaria obliqua 105. Paeonia cambessedesii 106. Narcissus rupicola 107. Fritillaria striata *Stephen Willson* 108. Lilium maritimum, ex BX in 2017 109. Lilium kelloggii *Rimmer deVries* Bulbs: 110. Pancratium maritimum Spain. seed grown from BX 353 (Aug 2014) donated by Francisco Torres 111. Notholirion thomsonianum Few very small bulbs and rice grains ex M-S Ittner 112. Lachenalia contaminata bulbs from AGS seed 2013 #3418 started 9-15-2014 some have sprouted 113. Tulbaghia simmieri bulbs (always In growth) SRGC 2006 seed #3777. from Roy’s friend Helga Andrews. Not sure if identified correctly but it is definitely a small white tulbaghia. 114. Cyanella orchidiformis small offsets corms from BX368 from John Wickham 115. Lachenalia bachmanii bulbs 116. Habranthus martinenzii SRGC 2016 Probably H tubispathus- small bulbs 117. Hippeastrum blossfieldii small offset bulbs from SX8 Seed: 118. Zephyranthes minuata ex Lynn Makala harv 8/20 119. Zephyranthes smallii Brownsville, TX ex BX 402 hardy in zone 6 120. Zephyranthes macrosiphon harv 9/20 121. Zephyranthes ‘sunset strain’ harv 8/20 122. Zephyranthes ‘Pink Beauty’ hsrv 9/20 123. Zephyranthes primulina ( possible some sunset seeds Mixed in) harv 8/20 124. Zephyranthes large pink with green throat - I think it is xFloryi seed harv 7/20/20 125. Habranthus magnoi ex BX 401 harv 8/20 *Cody Hinchliff* 126. Romulea nivalis 127. Romulea linaresii 128. Lilium regale ex Taiwan 129. Fritillaria pudica 130. Erythronium grandiflorum, WA Ingalls Creek Trail 131. Lilium mackliniae, pink form 132. Cyclamen hederifolium *Jim Barton* 133. Chlorogalum pomeridianum 134. Brodiaea californica 135. Brodiaea pulchella 136. Brodiaea elegans 137. Calochortus luteus 138. Calochortus tolomiei 139. Calochortus albus, agrillosus 140. Calochortus albus, red form 141. Calochortus albus, white form 151. Calochortus amabilis 152. Calochortus catalinae 153. Calochortus superbus 154. Calochortus vestae 155. Calochortus venustus, red form 156. Calochortus venustus, white form 157. Calochortus uniflorus 158. Dichelostemma multiflorum 159. Dichelostemma ida-maia 160. Dichelostemma volubile 161. Dichelostemma congestum 162. Triteleia hyacinthina 163. Triteleia ixioides 164. Triteleia peduncularis 164. Triteleia laxa *Marvin Ellenbecker* 165. Veltheimia bracteata, harvest 2020 166. Sisyrinchium bellum, harvest fall 2019 167. Hippeastrum papilio, harvest 2020 *James Henrich* 168. Babiana ambigua (rec’d as B. sinuata?) ex Silverhill Seeds 14467; Clanwilliam Harvested April 2020 169. Babiana rubrocyanea ex Silverhill Seeds 14412; ex hort. Harvested April 2020 170. Babiana sambucina ex Silverhill Seeds 287; Joubertiana Harvested May 2020 171. Babiana tubulosa (rec’d as B. tubiflora) ex Silverhill Seeds 14076; West Coast Harvested May 2020 172. Dietes butcheriana ex hort. Harvested May 2020 173. Ferraria densepunctulata & Ferraria ferrariola mix ex Bulbophile Harvested April 2020 174. Ferraria ferrariola ex Bulbophile Harvested May 2020 175. Ferraria schaeferi ‘Dark Chocolate’ ex Annie’s Annuals Harvested May 2020 176. Freesia corymbosa ex Silverhill Seeds 1063 Harvested May 2020 177. Freesia fucata ex Silverhill Seeds 11141 Harvested April 2020 178. Freesia refracta ex Silverhill Seeds 4279; Ashton Harvested April 2020 179. Freesia sparrmanii ex Silverhill Seeds 2686; ex hort. Harvested May 2020 180. Geissorhiza splendidissima; Namaqualand ex Silverhill Seeds 1122; Harvested May 2020 181. Geissorhiza tulbaghesis ex Silverhill Seeds 1124; Tulbagh Harvested April 2020 182. Gladiolus carinatus ex Bulbophile Harvested April 2020 183. Gladiolus cunonius ex Annie’s Annuals Harvested April 2020 184. Gladiolus floribundus (received as G. grandiflorus) ex Silverhill Seeds 5390; Kleinmond Harvested May 2020 185. Gladiolus scullyi ex Silverhill Seeds 1212; Kamieskroon Harvested May 2020 186. Gladiolus watermeyeri ex Silverhill 3389; Niewoudtville Harvested April 2020 187. Lapeirousia plicata ex PBS Harvested May 2020 188. Massonia bredasdorpensis ex Plantae Novae Harvested May 2020 189. Odontostomum hartwegii ex Theodore Payne Foundation Harvested May 2020 190. Romulea flava ex Silverhill Seeds 2176; ex hort. Harvested April 2020 191. Romulea rosea var. rosea ex Silverhill Seeds 13395; Tulbagh Harvested May 2020 _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <>