Bill , Tony et al, I grow Lycoris in a very different climate from each of you ( I think you are both fairly close to each other). All the Lycoris that Tony mentioned below bloomed better than average this year and I relate that 99% to rainfall - quantity, frequency and incidence. All were undivided older clumps. No experience or comments about Fall Foliage species, but think they benefit from growing in shade, too. Of course I cannot grow most broad leaf evergreens of any sort due to winter burn and drought. At extremely cold temps plants growing in dry conditions cannot move water to foliage and they perish. Best Jim > On Oct 16, 2020, at 1:56 PM, Tony Avent via pbs <> wrote: > > Bill; > > In checking our records, the only spring-foliage species that flowered well this year and was not divided the year prior was L. sprengeri. L.. chinensis, L. longituba, L. x squamigera, L. x incarnata all flowered well this year when divided, but not at all on undivided clumps. > > As for shade, we typically see much better flowering on spring-leaved species when grown in shade, as Jim alluded to in his post. Add to that list, any fall flowered species, whose foliage burns badly in winter sun. > > Tony Avent > Proprietor _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <>