Planting depth for Nerine bowdenii

M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
Thu, 15 Oct 2020 12:11:12 PDT
The attached ("scrubbed") photo below shows two clumps of bulbs growing in
a slightly raised bed. Presently, one has leaves and the other has flower
buds. The one with buds at lower left I have been calling Nerine bowdenii
because that is how it was labeled when I purchased 3 bulbs in the 1980's.
Its appearance and growth timing are consistent with what the wiki says.
The wiki does not mention recommended planting depth, however, and I am
curious about that, as I need to move this clump and replant it.

The other clump of bulbs in leaf at upper right I do not have a name
for. To me this one's blooms look identical to the other, except for bloom
and leaf timing. This clump grew from just one original bulb I got at the
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in the early 1990s. I seem to recall it was
labeled as a Lycoris but its blooms do not look right for that name. Both
seem to tolerate our usual light frosts.

Flower photos are probably necessary for a more definite ID. I have those,
but not the patience to go find them just now. Presently what I would like
is advice how to replant these since this entire bed needs to be dug up.
Should I replant these more deeply, up to their necks? That is how they
were, until crowding pushed them upwards. Or should I set them higher with
shoulders exposed? Here frost is infrequent and light, usually.

Santa Barbara, California
maybe zone 10a, or Sunset Zone 24 but with occasional frost.
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