Planting depth for Lycoris

Nicholas plummer via pbs
Thu, 15 Oct 2020 08:23:52 PDT
I'm reassured to hear that even at Plant Delights, some Lycoris bloom
sporadically.  In my garden, about 45 miles northwest of PDN, L radiata in
all its forms is by far the most reliable Lycoris. No matter what the
winter conditions were, I can be sure that almost every clump of bulbs will
flower every year.  All the other hybrids and species are more iffy.  This
year, my spring-foliage plants made a particularly poor showing, and I am
wondering if the problem was the very mild winter of 2019/2020.  Do the
spring foliage plants need a colder winter to set buds?

Nick Plummer
North Carolina, Zone 7

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 8:37 PM Tony Avent via pbs <> wrote:

> Hi Jim;
> In our research, it appears that the key is for the fall-leaved species to
> have adequate time for the foliage to grow and feed the bulbs before first
> frost, so the earlier the foliage emerges from the soil, the better.  We
> don't find that planting depth is the issue, but instead parentage, and
> then clonal selection. Deeper planting actually causes the foliage to
> emerge later, which makes the plants less likely to flower since the
> foliage doesn't make enough food before being damaged by winter cold
> temperatures.
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