Islette habitat

Jane McGary
Tue, 21 Aug 2012 08:41:06 PDT
I think Richard's photo does show bulbs of Fritillaria 
camschatcensis. F. affinis also grows on Vancouver Island and 
environs, but its bulbs are typically more flattened. I have grown F. 
affinis from seed collected on Vancouver Island and sent to an 
exchange as F. camschatcensis, so there is some  (probably 
overoptimistic) confusion over the two in that area, but RIchard has 
probably found a population of F.c. (I'm not going to try to type 
that Germano-Russo-Latinoid species epithet once more; I always think 
it should have tsch in it).

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

At 09:14 PM 8/20/2012, you wrote:
>A pristine island, really just a rock with thin soil at the north 
>end of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Carpeted with native plants 
>with not a exotic grass or other introduced plant species. With a 
>mink family too. I think this lack of exotics is critical. I places 
>like this we need to think about seeds we might bring along on our 
>clothing, as in Antarctica.
>Among the many plants is this Fritillaria camschatcensis, possibly. 
>I need to see the flowers to be sure. This is typical rice root bulb 
>showing the bulbils and mature corm. Once a staple in local 
>indigenous diets. This plant growing very dense on this very exposed islet
>here is specimen up close
>here is root wad of mostly organic soil, roots and close by Allium 
>here is the entire island
>my friend Rupert collecting some seed pods
>I've been on similar islands further south in the San Juan 
>Archipelago and always amazed by the ability of these plants to 
>thrive on shallow but fertile soils.
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