Greetings, Bill's siren-song of Amaryllis belladonna blooming (in addition to one or 2 other small items*) got me down to his place in Watsonville. His vast hillside planting was, indeed, a riot of not-your-mother's-regular-old-pale-pink Amaryllis belladonna. My father-in-law has a patch of pink ones he dotes over so I wanted to get a few unusual colors for him. The hillside:… And the buckets of pinks, whites and white-throated flowers I got for my f-i-l.… Bill has some amazing deep red specimens that were out of my gifting price-range - for now, at least). Bill also sometimes has large Brunsvigia josephinae available from time to time. I was able him to encourage him to part with 2. These are large bulbs. The first one, at 11 lbs:… And the second one, which Bill let me have even though it was the biggest one he'd ever seen:… The bulb weighed 22 lbs! -|<ipp