Amaryllis belladonna in full bloom
Mon, 06 Aug 2012 10:23:14 PDT

I almost never can bloom A. belladonna here in Pennsylvania, and have never rebloomed one. I don't even try anymore. 

But right now I have a pot of xAma rcrinum in bloom with the potential of 16 blooms on one scape. The fragrance is the same as the amaryllis parent and the house is redolent with it. I have five pots of various cvs or selections or whatever they are. The one that is blooming now is a Les Hannibal cross that I got from Roy Sachs. It is the most dependable bloomer of them all and has more flowers per scape than the others. I love it ! 

Dell in SE Pennsylvania where the weather is more like G eorgia - a 10 minute walk with the dog leaves me drenched with sweat. Or maybe it's like Mumbai? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Nhu Nguyen" <> 
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <> 
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 2:38:24 AM 
Subject: [pbs] Amaryllis belladonna in full bloom 

Hi everyone, 

It's time for a full blooming of these gorgeous plants in Berkeley - lower 
elevation Berkeley that is. At 500ft (150m) the first few flowers are 
starting to show and at 800ft (250m) they have just broken ground. There is 
definitely a temperature related gradient based on longitude and altitude 
based on the data gathered so far. 

But back to Berkeley. Today I went to a new spot that we discovered where a 
landscaper (or gardener) had planted hundreds of these bulbs. The blooming 
was spectacular and the fragrance was just fantastic.…………… 

I have a bulb in a 1 gallon pot and I have been enjoying the fragrance on 
my desk for the past week. I hope that if you live in a place where these 
are blooming, you will stop to smell the belladonnas. 

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