A sea of Amaryllis belladonna hybrids--Visitors welcome!

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sat, 18 Aug 2012 09:39:50 PDT
I visited Bill's Amaryllis nursery a few years ago and it is well 
worth seeing. He also had beautiful specimens of Haemanthus in flower 
at the same time. I bought a few of his Amaryllis selections for my 
brother's garden, which is also on the Monterey Peninsula, and 
they've done very well.

Now if mine would only, ever, flower.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

At 05:25 AM 8/18/2012, you wrote:
>Fellow PBS members,
>For the next couple of weeks there are 1000s of my Amaryllis belladonna
>hybrids in bloom--endless variation in color, form, and size.   This year I
>have twice the amount of bloom I have ever seen before, and I am not picking
>any significant number so they are all there on the hillsides, a 
>riot of bloom
>at the field, which is located in the Watsonville, California area.   I am
>there 7 days a week, please call for directions if you would care to visit.
>Best wishes,
>William R.P. Welch
>(831) 236-8397

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