Terry wrote: >> I have just been out and carefully emptied out one pot and opened up the corm for a photo, link below. Is this what's called a 'woody' tunic? You're not making this easier ;-) Based on the illustrations in the Goldblatt and Manning book, your corms do not look quite like G. watsonius. I don't have any priorii corms dug up at the moment for comparison, but I do have some watsonius corms. I just took a photo and uploaded it to the wiki here: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Nine#watsonius Corms of watsonius have "teeth" (my term) at the base of the tunic. You can see it in a couple of the corms in my photos, and it's also shown in the illustration in Goldblatt & Manning. The teeth are fairly rigid and kind of clamp onto the corm. I don't think I see those teeth in your photo (although the tunic might look different on a dormant bulb). Hope that helps, Mike San Jose, CA