Lycoris Report - Lycoris sanguinea

James Waddick
Thu, 16 Aug 2012 07:52:15 PDT
>Have you had success with the Korean lycoris like L. flavescens, and 
>L. uydoensis...I rarely hear them mentioned. I also wonder if L. 
>sanguinea v. koreana might be easier to flower than L. sanguinea v. 
>kiusiana, which never flowers for us.

Dear Tony,
	There isn't much info about the Lycoris species in Korea*. I 
suspect that some are not valid and local variants, but just a guess. 
I have not grown either of those you mention but do have one bulb (?) 
of L. chejuensis wild collected from Cheju Island. Has never bloomed.

	Odd you don't get bloom on sanguinea. Generally Japanese 
plants do badly here, but L. sang. kiusiana does pretty well and 
blooms most years, but is not vigorous.

	My source is both from a Chinese grower and from Shikoku 
Nursery in Japan (Shikoku, of course).

	Anyone else grow L. sanguinea either typical or the larger kiusiana?

			Best		Jim W.

* Species Relationships of Lycoris Endemic to Korea Evaluated by RAPD 
and SNPs of nrDNA-ITS Regions by Yong Kweon Yoo, Tao Yuan, Jong Suk 
Lee, Ae Kyung Lee, Mark S. Roh, Siro Kurita, and Jeung Keun Suh. 
	Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 52(2):145-151. 2011.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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