September 2009 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 11:33:38 PDT
Ending: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 19:57:18 PDT
Messages: 242
- Pacific BX 216 Dell Sherk
- Narcissus pachybolbus and other tazettas Jim McKenney
- OT-Fires in Southern California Mary Sue Ittner
- Narcissus pachybolbus Jim McKenney
- apologies and Rhadamanthus germination Linda Foulis
- "The Real" Narcissus pachybolbus Jim McKenney
- Mystery Irid David Ehrlich
- query yellow flower Ina
- query yellow flower
- Pacific Coast lily species
- Mystery Irid Michael Mace
- Cyrtanthus herrei blooming now Ken
- Mystery Irid Tom Mitchell
- off topic, Ruellia question Dennis Kramb
- Pacific Coast lily seeds Kathleen Sayce
- bulb growing anthony matthews
- bulb growing Pacific Rim
- Amorphophallus titanum Myke Ashley-Cooper
- Amorphophallus titanum Myke Ashley-Cooper
- off topic, Ruellia question Jim McKenney
- Bulb forum Tomas Sandberg
- Amorphophallus titanum care and acquisition Paul Licht
- Brunsvigia josephine blooming Paul Licht
- Veltheimia from seed Don Journet
- Colchicum Are Starting J.E. Shields
- Pictures of Sadoxus cinnabarinus? Tomas Sandberg
- Pictures of Sadoxus cinnabarinus? alessandro.marinello
- email not working? Uli Urban
- S. cinnabarinus and G. hyacinthina Tomas Sandberg
- Brunsvigia josephinae blooming Michael Mace
- × Amarcrinum Jim McKenney
- Pictures of Sadoxus cinnabarinus? Adam Fikso
- Habenaria radiata Jim McKenney
- Virus transmission in Amaryllid seeds? Michael Mace
- Scadoxus cinnabrinus? Tomas Sandberg
- Lycoris/ Topic of the week Mary Sue Ittner
- Virus transmission in Amaryllid seeds? Michael Mace
- viruses and other things. Ina
- Anyone an expert on native Liatris and Lilium of Texas? Justin Smith
- Anyone an expert on native Liatris and Lilium of Texas?
- viruses and other things.
- viruses and other things. Ina
- Anyone an expert on native Liatris and Lilium of Texas? Jim McKenney
- Anyone an expert on native Liatris and Lilium of Texas?
- Vagaria Mary Sue Ittner
- Pacific BX 217 Dell Sherk
- Anyone an expert on native Liatris and Lilium of Texas? Eugene Zielinski
- Pacific BX 217 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Current Blooms in Indiana J.E. Shields
- Current Blooms in Indiana Adam Fikso
- A new bulbous forum Tomas Sandberg
- Current Blooms
- Brunsvigia josephinae in bloom Ken
- Current Blooms Ina
- pbs Digest, Vol 80, Issue 16 Paul Licht
- Late summer miscellany Jim McKenney
- Late summer miscellany Ina
- Habenaria radiata Jim McKenney
- Cyrtanthus herrei ... where the heck are the stigmas/styles? Ken
- various Max Withers
- Habenaria radiata
- Flowering 2009 HD (YouTube video) Lee Poulsen
- Flowering 2009 HD (YouTube video)
- Flowering 2009 HD (YouTube video) Ina
- Youtube Marie-Paule
- Flowering 2009 HD (YouTube video) Jim McKenney
- Seed, Bulb, Plant Inventory Software Dianne Martinelli, CruiseOne
- Brunsvigia josephinae piaba
- Seed, Bulb, Plant Inventory Software Leo A. Martin
- Seed, Bulb, Plant Inventory Software Michael Mace
- Hippeastrums Ina
- OpenOffice Ina
- Inventory software Kathleen Sayce
- Wild Gladiolus (Gladiolus illyricus) Symposium David Pilling
- what's blooming now at UC Irvine Botanic Garden Ken
- Pacific BX 218 Dell Sherk
- New bulbous forum Tomas Sandberg
- Hippeastrum aulicum seeds are ripe J. Joschko
- Drimia Kathleen Sayce
- Acis autumnalis JCA 630.201 (1989-1990): collection details, please
- forum Tomas Sandberg
- Pacific BX 218 Closed Dell Sherk
- language problems Tomas Sandberg
- Oca Oxalis Tuberosa Elizabeth Waterman
- pbs Digest, Vol 80, Issue 27 Knisely, Jonathan
- Rhodophiala bifida Jim McKenney
- Rhodophiala bifida Ellen Hornig
- Rhodophiala bifida Adam Fikso
- Rhodophiala bifida Pamela Slate
- Rhodophiala bifida Ellen Hornig
- Rhodophiala bifida gentian21
- Rhodophiala bifida Adam Fikso
- Rhodophiala bifida Adam Fikso
- cyclamen germination studio pozzi taubert
- cyclamen germination Adam Fikso
- Rhodophiala bifida Leo A. Martin
- Oxalis triangularis? papilionaceae? Leo A. Martin
- Swedish doggy / bulbs
- Transplanting Rhodophiala Bifida (Aaron) Aaron
- Xerophyta retinervis Marie-Paule
- Bulb lists/forums Mary Sue Ittner
- unknown Cyclamen studio pozzi taubert
- Pacific BX 219 Dell Sherk
- a non-flowering iris Kathleen Sayce
- looking for Johnsonia sp. seed source Justin Smith
- BX 101-200 list Nhu Nguyen
- Correction on BX 219 Dell Sherk
- a non-flowering iris Kathleen Sayce
- progress on UC Irvine's Brunsvigia litoralis Ken
- BX 101-200 list Byron Amerson
- Oxalis for BX
- Rhodophiala bifida Leo A. Martin
- Oxalis triangularis? papilionaceae? Leo A. Martin
- Xerophyta retinervis Leo A. Martin
- Haemanthus Hybrid 'Burgundy' J.E. Shields
- a non-flowering iris Kathleen Sayce
- Today's Doonesbury Cartoon Jay Yourch
- Today's Doonesbury Cartoon Ina
- More bulb related cartoons Jay Yourch
- Today's Doonesbury Cartoon Jim McKenney
- late blooming Amaryllis belladonna Ken
- Gladiolus carmineus Bob Rutemoeller
- Amaryllis belladonna and fire Mary Sue Ittner
Last message date:Wed, 30 Sep 2009 19:57:18 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:57 PST